Continuity in the structured investing market – five years of the Structured Products Fair
The Structured Products Fair provides an information platform for investors for the fifth time on October 26 and 27, 2011 at the Kongresshaus Zurich. At the event, staged jointly by Scoach Switzerland Ltd and the Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA), some 30 exhibitors – including the market’s major players – will be on hand to answer visitors’ questions on products, strategies and investments themes focusing on the topic of structured investing. A diverse supporting program featuring presentations and roundtables on current issues rounds off both days of the fair.
Even after five years of the Structured Products Fair, first-hand information and enhanced transparency are still the chief concerns of the organizers. This aim is reflected in the diverse supporting program, which now also offers knowledge workshops in addition to presentations and roundtables.
Investment expert Marc Faber kicks off the Structured Products Fair on October 26, 2011 with a keynote speech on the best asset classes for boom and doom. The keynote speaker on the second day of the fair is Swiss psychiatrist, scientist and explorer Bertrand Piccard, who will detail ways to assure a sustainable future.
The roundtable on the first day of the fair will see National Councilor and entrepreneur Otto Ineichen, Daniel Lampart, Chief Economist of the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions, Economiesuisse Chief Economist Professor Daniel Minsch, and Markus Wyss, Head of Markets and Consulting at Osec discuss the issue of «Strong Franc – Curse or Blessing?» under the direction of Reto Lipp, presenter of ECO on Swiss television.
On the second day of the fair the roundtable will provide an outlook for financial market developments. The Chief Strategists of Bank Julius Bär & Co. and the Vontobel Group, Christian Gattiker and Thomas Steinemann, Wall Street expert Markus Koch, and Sandro Merino, Head of Wealth Management Research Europe at UBS, will participate in the discussion chaired by Dirk Schütz, Editor-in-Chief of BILANZ magazine.
As a new fixture, a total of eight knowledge workshops will be held on both days of the fair. Topics include «Selected Tax Aspects of Structured Products» and «The Right Product at the Right Time» as well as «Basic Knowledge for Commodity Investments», «Active Cash Management», «Interest Rate Hedging in a Changed CHF Interest Rate Environment», «Guide to the Sustainability Jungle» and «Hedging Strategies with Mini Futures».
The first day of the fair also features a media roundtable on the subject of «In Fashion: Women As Investors». To close the fair on October 27, 2011, radio and TV presenter Roman Kilchsperger and satirist Andreas Thiel will provide insight into their personal approach to investing.