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Fifth Swiss Financial Fair for Structured Products: Continued high level of interest in structured products

The fifth Structured Products Fair closed its doors on Thursday evening. The fair, staged jointly by Scoach Switzerland Ltd and the Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA), attracted approximately 3800 professional and private investors on October 26 and 27, 2011. Visitors to the fair gained first-hand knowledge of products and investment strategies. The supporting program, comprising speeches, training seminars, presentations and roundtables, provided a wealth of information on structured products.

Both exhibitors and organizers declared themselves satisfied with how the fair had gone. «Although we communicate very intensively with all stakeholders, the Structured Products Fair always provides an opportunity to clarify any questions, make contact with new clients and maintain a dialog with existing ones», says Christian Reuss, CEO of Scoach.

The keynote speech by Marc Faber on the best asset classes for boom and doom attracted a large audience, as did the speech by Swiss scientist Bertrand Piccard on ways to assure a sustainable future. The roundtables on issues such as «Strong Franc – Curse or Blessing?» or «Women as Investors» were also very well attended. Presenter Roman Kilchsperger and satirist Andreas Thiel guaranteed an element of entertainment by providing tongue-incheek insight into their personal approach to investing.

The motto (question) for this year’s fair was «Are Your Investments Already Structured?» «The Structured Products Fair provides a unique platform for contact and the exchange of opinions between the issuers and market participants and both private and professional investors. The provision of information is an ongoing task for us», emphasizes Daniel Sandmeier, SSPA President. The sixth Swiss Financial Fair for Structured Products will take place from 24 to 25 October 2012.

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Please be aware that all the information on this website is for educational purposes only and does not represent real offerings. If you would like to obtain a real price or purchase a Structured Product, please contact your financial advisor or one of the SSPA member banks for more information. Have a look at the complete Disclaimer.

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