Jürg Stähelin new SSPA Executive Director
The Committee of the Swiss Structured Products Association has appointed Jürg Stähelin to the post of Executive Director, succeeding the departing Eric Wasescha, effective April 5, 2011.
Zurich, February 25, 2011. Following an extensive, multi-stage evaluation of multiple candidates, the Committee of the Swiss Structured Products Association SSPA, has appointed Jürg Stähelin as the Association’s new Executive Director. More than 15 years as head of communications and marketing in the finance industry have given Mr. Stähelin, 45, a profound knowledge of Switzerland’s banking industry. For the past four years he was head of corporate communications for the Vontobel Group, after more than ten years working for the Julius Baer Group, a time that culminated in the position of head of communications and marketing.
Like his predecessor, Mr. Stähelin will serve as the SSPA Executive Director part-time. On March 1, 2011 he is to become a partner at IRF Communications, a leading provider of comprehensive communication services. Handover in early April As announced last September, Mr. Wasescha is leaving the SSPA at the beginning of April, after five years of establishment work on behalf of the Association. He will maintain his links with the Association as a trusted advisor. The Committee wishes to take this opportunity to express its thanks to Mr. Wasescha for his groundbreaking involvement in Switzerland’s structured products market. SSPA President Daniel Sandmeier: “It is in great part due to Mr. Wasescha’s considerable dedication that today, the SSPA is the first point of contact for structured products in Switzerland.” Strengthening the SSPA’s image and reputation Today, asset management is unthinkable without some of the SSPA’s historic innovations, including the risk figure and collateral security for structured products. SSPA President Daniel Sandmeier commented that “The SSPA has helped today’s structured products make an important contribution to private and institutional asset management. The task before us is to further raise the level of acceptance of structured products by means of more targeted communication. We of the SSPA Committee are convinced that his many years of experience make Mr. Stähelin the ideal new Executive Director.” Looking forward to his new challenge, Mr. Stähelin stated that “Deployed correctly, structured products can increase the value of every portfolio. I intend to engage in intensive dialogue with all target groups to make the advantages of structured products better known, and to strengthen their reputation and acceptance now and in the future.”