Positive verdict on fourth Swiss Financial Fair for Structured Products
The fourth Swiss Structured Products Fair, held at the Kongresshaus Zurich on October 20 and 21, 2010, attracted a total of 3700 visitors. The approximately 30 exhibitors at the fair, which was staged jointly by Scoach Switzerland Ltd. and the Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA), pronounced the event a success. Both institutional and private investors proved keen to learn at first hand about products, services and providers. The multifaceted accompanying program, including speeches and roundtables on current topics as well as product and theme-based presentations, was also well received.
The fourth edition of the fair highlighted the wide range of opportunities for structured investment. “Visitor and exhibitor numbers remained stable, confirming that the fair meets an important need – especially at a time of challenging financial market conditions – by communicating specialist knowledge in concise form and presenting the broad range of products in a transparent manner,” said Daniel Sandmeier, President of the SSPA. On the first day, the speech by former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank Professor Hans Tietmeyer on the future of the euro attracted wide attention. Day two saw Professor Bert Rürup, economic advisor and former chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts, offering his view of the opportunities and risks for investors two years after the Lehman collapse. He replaced former German Finance Minister Theo Waigel, who was obliged to cancel at short notice due to illness. There was also great interest in the expert opinions aired at the two roundtables on “Security for Investors” and the market outlook. The event closed with Fleur Platow, financial columnist and consultant to the Smart Ladies Investment Club, and entrepreneur and business angel Alberto E. Romaneschi offering their personal view of what really matters when it comes to investing. “For next year’s event, we’ll be sticking with the tried and tested format of the fair as a platform for advice and guidance”, said Christian Reuss, CEO of Scoach. On October 5 and 6, 2011, the organizers of the Structured Products Fair and the Fonds fair will be staging the second Salon de la Finance in Geneva, at which providers of structured products and investment funds will be exhibiting together. The fifth Structured Products Fair will take place on October 26 and 27, 2011, again at the Kongresshaus Zurich.