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SSPA launches its Knowledge Initiative, together with a new standard reference work

SSPA, the Swiss Structured Products Association, has created a comprehensive and groundbreaking structured products reference work as part of its new Knowledge Initiative.

Zurich, July 9, 2010. Authored by SSPA, in cooperation with publisher Finanz und Wirtschaft, the Scoach Derivatives Exchange and the Swiss Derivative Institute, “Die Welt der Strukturierten Produkte – Das Buch zur SVSP Swiss Derivative Map” (The world of structured products – the book on SSPA’s Swiss Derivative Map) has just been published. Priced at CHF 98, the 377-page work is now available at bookstores or from the SSPA website. Obviously pleased, SSPA Vice-President Paolo Vanini stated that “This SSPA publication is a new standard reference work that fully explains the structured product market and highlights new developments such as on the subject of suitability.” Next to derivatives and structured products basics, the new work explains in detail the product types on SSPA’s Swiss Derivative Map. The reference work of choice of the sophisticated investor and asset manager, it is also destined to be an educational and reference tool. Dedicated to a better understanding of structured products: the SSPA Knowledge Initiative The new structured products reference work is an important part of SSPA’s Knowledge Initiative. Both are intended to deepen knowledge and understanding among the interested public and investors in structured products. SSPA’s Executive Director Eric Wasescha on the Association’s goals: “The SSPA has fostered transparency through clarification and information right from the start. Our Knowledge Initiative brings us a good step closer to this goal.” A new Knowledge page on, the Association website, lists other sources and training opportunities. In addition, an introductory brochure is available free of charge in printed form or as a download. While currently available mostly in German, English versions of further SSPA documents are in the planning stage.


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