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Stock exchange BX Swiss AG becomes a new member of the SSPA

The Swiss Structured Products Association welcomes BX Swiss AG as a new market member. With the accession of one of the second Swiss stock exchange, the Association is further extending its base and currently has two market places and a total of 37 members, covering the entire value creation chain.

Zurich, 8th January 2019. BX Swiss AG (BX) is one of the two Swiss security exchanges. Originally founded in 1880 as the Bernese bank Berner Bankenverein, and restructured in 1884 by all nine Bernese banks and fourteen private companies as the Bernese securities exchange Berner Börsenverein (BBV), BX did not take part in the 1995 merger that resulted in the foundation of SIX. Instead, it retained the legal form of a private association under Swiss law. Today, BX is a stock corporation with operating activities in Zurich, and offers a broad range of services, including listing and trading in equities and ETFs, and now structured products as well. In July, over 2,000 Wikifolio certificates were listed on the BX. Investors will soon be able to choose from a wider variety of structured products. BX is also continuously expanding its services for issuers, and is planning inter alia to be licensed as a test lab for prospectuses with the introduction of the new Swiss Financial Services Act (“Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz”).

Harald Schnabel, CEO of BX Swiss AG, comments as follows on the affiliation to the SSPA: “We value the opportunity to work together with the structured products industry as an active partner, in order to respond promptly to client requirements and to give the Swiss market new impulses.” With our outstanding experiences in the Swiss market and our profound industry knowledge, we are convinced to support the association efficiently and to complete the market member section.”

Active branch association with 37 members

The SSPA represents the interests of the main market participants who together cover over 95 per cent of the structured products market volume in Switzerland. SSPA President Georg von Wat-tenwyl: “We welcome BX Swiss AG as our second market member and appreciate to now having both Swiss stock exchanges on board. Their commitment to the structured products industry enables us to broaden our member basis continuously – with as of today 37 members providing different views and aspects of the sector for a fruitful and professional collaboration of issuers, buy-side members, partners and markets.”

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